Modern Casting Features SF&E Careful Customer Contract Review

Careful Customer Contract Review – Modern Casting

Foundry Engineering

In March 2021, American Foundry Society’s issue of Modern Casting highlighted the importance of careful customer contract review and quality engineering at Stainless Foundry & Engineering (SF&E). Director of Quality, Mike Porfilio, oversees a team of contract review specialists from diverse professional backgrounds, making sure each element of the customer PO experiences is finely reviewed, specifications are met, quality is maintained, and customer communication is upheld. Contract review is identified as the first essential activity that needs to take place once a job’s been awarded to the foundry and that purchase order has arrived. Quality Assurance is of most importance to SF&E.

Two absolutes at this juncture will lay the foundation for producing a successful part for the customer: (1) the PO must be forensically dissected to ensure it aligns with the foundry’s quote, and (2) this task requires nothing less than highly talented quality and technical specialists who can verify the minutia of this starting-line document – which includes process parameters, special needs, detailed specifications, drawings, and testing. Missing even a single detail can be catastrophic.

Read the full featured article here >>> 

Mike Porfilio
Quality Director, Michael (Mike) Porfilio
QA Contract Reviews
Contract Review Specialist Nicholas Dolph & Quality Engineer Megan Sokolowksi

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