SF&E Answers the Call for Ruggedness and Reliability


The intensive approach to manufacturing sets the needs of the military and Department of Defense (DOD) apart from other industries Stainless Foundry & Engineering (SF&E) serves. National security, international peace, and the lives of our service members are at stake.


All major weapons systems, ground transport, naval vessels, and military aircraft contain metal castings. Our military relies on these crucial parts to provide dependable service under conditions that can be extremely demanding. Taking on this work requires our team to be highly communicative with experienced in following stringent NAVSEA and DOD regulations and performing under the oversight of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for all six branches. 


The following are photos that demonstrate the breadth and depth of SF&E’s experience serving OEMs in the military industry.


Alloys That Can Stand Up to the Battlefield No Matter Where It Is

Whether the action is on the ground, in the air, or on or under the sea, all U.S. defense systems and equipment live and work throughout long deployments in harsh environments – from the snows of Alaska to the sands of the Middle East. Metal cast equipment parts make this possible from foundries that can meet rigorous demands.


CB7Cu-1/17-4 – Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel

These light covers help illuminate the way for aircraft as they touch down on airport runways and aircraft carrier flight decks. The light covers must withstand high-impact landing gear jolts dozens of times per day. Along with this alloy’s ruggedness and reliability, its corrosion resistance holds up against the elements, including sea water. Precipitation hardening stainless steel is a high-strength, weight-bearing stainless steel that is more than two times stronger than a typical stainless steel alloy.

CA6NM – Martensitic Stainless Steel

The action on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and the plane hangar decks below is nonstop hectic. Elevators are used to transport heavy munitions, auxiliary equipment, and planes between decks. These sand and investment cast machined gearbox covers are made from a medium strength, corrosion-resistant stainless steel that is durable enough to protect elevator mechanicals from the impact of a weight-bearing collision. 


C96400/ 70/30 – Non-ferrous Copper Nickel

On any sea-going vessel, the reliability of all its parts is essential, and on a nuclear submarine, safety is vital. Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC) is a common condition in saltwater environments where the corrosion eats away metal. A copper nickel alloy is ideal for these valve bodies that are used in a highly critical environment and expected to stay in service throughout the life of the sub. Water needs to flow through these investment cast parts at a high pressure. The 70% copper composition of the C96400/ 70/30 alloy helps, and extensive non-destructive testing (NDT) including visual inspection, liquid penetrant, and radiography ensure the part will get the job done.


CF3M –– Austenitic Stainless Steel

Impellers are made to maintain performance quality until they need to be replaced. Impellers used in submarines need to be able to rotate at high speeds, resist corrosion, and pull in high volumes of water while managing the debris that may get sucked in with it. This is so strong it can break rocks and debris on impact – but it can still be heavily machined down to a thin dimsension. SF&E has a vast level of knowledge with open and closed impellers, even large sand castings with a 24” diameter and .25” vane opening.  


WCB – Low Alloy Steel

WCB is a great material for high temperature service, which makes it a common material for parts like bonnets, which are valve fixtures that enable crews to quickly open and tightly close a valve. This is one of a few standard alloys that SF&E pours often for NAVSEA parts. Bonnets provide stability for the hand wheel or handle that is used to turn the valve.


ASTM B148, grade C87500 – Non-ferrous Copper Silicon Bronze
This pump casing is made from copper silicon bronze, a high strength alloy that provides corrosion resistance at high temperatures and in marine environments.

High Standards Are the Order of the Day

SF&E enlists a dedicated squad of metallurgists, foundry engineers, and quality assurance personnel for production. Throughout the process, this team produces military-grade castings by executing highly specialized procedures, evaluated all along the way using NDT to ensure they have met all quality levels and acceptance criteria.

SF&E applies standard testing procedures developed over decades with the intense attention to detail that defense-related parts require. These processes include having government inspectors on-site, following DOD purchase-order-specific mandates, dimensional testing, and metallurgical tests.

Foundries are vital to the sustainability and strength of North America’s defense supply chain. To discuss how we can help you meet the exacting needs of the military, contact us at

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